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Everybody holds the key to their own healing, but sometimes the body needs a little help. That’s where my services come in. As an experienced Acupuncturist, I work with you to restore your balance and find your center.

Tayler Schmitz Acupuncture


Zhēn Jiǔ

Acupuncture involves the insertion of sterile, single-use needles into acupuncture points along the body. Using diagnostic theories from Traditional Chinese medicine, your current state of health will be assessed through inquiry, observing your tongue, pulse, complexion, posture and more. A diagnosis will be formed using the framework of Traditional Chinese medicine, then specific correlating points are selected and needled to help create physiological changes and illicit a healing response.

Modern research has shown that acupuncture works by stimulating a broad range of systems in our body. Acupuncture can stimulate our immune system, increasing blood cell count and activity. It can help reduce pain by releasing neurotransmitters in the body and deactivating areas in our brain which process pain. Acupuncture can help ease stress and tension, improve digestive symptoms, and lower blood pressure by regulating the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. It can assist with healing after an injury or accident by stimulating the body to deliver blood and nutrients to the injured area.

Tayler Schmitz Acupuncture

What does acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture can help treat and ease the symptoms of a wide variety of illnesses and conditions. The WHO recommends acupuncture for over 100 conditions, including but not limited to:

• Pain – back pain, neck pain, menstrual pain, dental pain, sciatica, cancer related pain etc.

• Mental emotional illness – anxiety, depression

• Digestive conditions – constipation, diarrhea, IBS, IBD, Gastritis

• Sleep problems

• Facial paralysis

• Concussions

• Stroke


• Arthritis 

• Headaches and migraines

• Infertility

• Menstrual disorders

• Chronic fatigue

• Seasonal allergies

• Radiation and chemotherapy side effects

• Addiction recovery

• Pregnancy Related Conditions

• Trigeminal Neuralgia 

• Plantar Fasciitis 



Bá Guàn

Cupping involves suctioning glass, silicone or plastic cups on to the skin. Often described as a 'reverse massage', cupping helps relieve muscular tension, release fascial adhesions, and helps rehydrate and nourish tissues with fresh blood and oxygen. A deep pulling sensation is felt in the tissues, which for many is relieving of pain and stress. Cupping often leaves 'Sha' or painless bruise-like marks which fade 2-3 days after treatment. 

Cupping Tayler Schmitz
Moxibustion Image by Katherine Hanlon


Zhēn Jiǔ

Moxibustion is a heat therapy that involves burning the herb Artemisia Vulgaris (Mugwort) over acupuncture points or areas of the body. Moxibustion is used to help warm the organs, enhance digestive function, increase energy, and increase blood flow. 

Unlike other herbs, refined Mugwort emits infrared heat when it is burned, allowing it to penetrate deeply into tissues in the body, having a deep and lasting warming affect.  



Tuī Ná

Tuī Ná is a therapeutic form of massage that has been utilized for thousands of years in China for pain relief and to help treat injuries and illnesses. Various techniques are used to invigorate or calm the system depending on the clients needs, such as - gliding, kneading, rocking, pulling, pinching, friction, and rolling. Tuī Ná is commonly used to compliment acupuncture treatments to enhance blood flow and relax the nervous system. 

Massage Tayler Schmitz
Chinese Food Therapy
Food Image by Syd Wachs

Chinese Food Therapy

Shí Liáo

Shí Liáo, or Traditional Chinese food therapy, identifies and applies the medicinal properties of various foods and eating habits as a way of preventing and curing illness. The foods we choose to eat, how they are prepared and paired, the time and seasons we eat certain foods, and our state of being while we eat all affect how well our food nourishes us. There isn't a 'perfect' diet that works for everyone, the food we eat should change according to our internal health and external environment. 

Mushroom Image Tayler Schmitz


Guā Shā

Guā Shā is a Traditional Chinese Medicine practice in which a hard tool is scraped along the skin, producing 'shā' - or light bruising. Guā shā is used to help with blood flow, reduce pain and inflammation, increase mobility, and break down scar tissue. 

Scraping Gua Sha
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