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Frequently Asked Questions
Is Acupuncture safe?Yes! Acupuncture is safe, and has minimal risks when performed by an adequately trained and registered professional. The needles used during an acupuncture session are high quality, sterile, and single-use, which are disposed of immediately after your session.
Does acupuncture hurt? What does it feel like?Acupuncture needles are very thin, about the same thickness as a human hair! Most people only feel a very small amount of pain or a ‘pinch’ during the initial insertion of the needles. After that there shouldn’t be any discomfort caused by the needle, but the patient may feel a variety of other sensations. This can include electrical sensations, pressure or welling, feeling of warmth, or a dull achy feeling at the sight of the needle.
Are there any side effects to acupuncture?There are a few mild side effects that are associated with acupuncture. Most commonly people report feeling an “acupuncture high” for a short period after their first treatment, this can include slight dizziness and light headedness due to the release of endorphins. Other side effects may include small bleeding, bruising and soreness at the sight of needle insertion.
How often do I need acupuncture treatment?The frequency of treatment needed varies and depends on the condition being treated, and the severity of it. Research shows that acupuncture treatments are cumulative, meaning that the effects build upon the last treatment. For this reason, it is usually recommended that patients initially book treatments closer together. Your Acupuncturist will develop a treatment plan with you on your first appointment depending on your individual needs and availability.
What can I expect during my treatment?During your first treatment, your acupuncturist will conduct an assessment and ask questions about your health information and history. A general physical examination will be performed, this will include taking your pulse and looking at your tongue for diagnostic information. Depending on the condition and area of the body being treated, you may be asked to remove clothing to access important acupuncture points. Following the assessment, a treatment plan will be created and discussed with you.
How should I prepare for my treatment?▪ Fill out your patient intake form ahead of time ▪ Wear loose, comfortable clothing if possible. This will allow for easier access to acupuncture points on the legs and arms ▪ Avoid consuming caffeine or alcohol before your treatment ▪ Eat a light meal before acupuncture to assure you have appropriate nourishment for your treatment ▪ Schedule time after your appointment to rest and allow the effects of the treatment to settle
Can I receive acupuncture while pregnant?Yes! Acupuncture is safe during pregnancy and can help relieve many pregnancy and postpartum conditions and symptoms. Because there are some acupuncture points that are contraindicated during pregnancy, it is important to inform the practitioner if you are pregnant, or trying to become pregnant.
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